Saturday, March 7, 2020

Corporate Takeover Essay Example

Corporate Takeover Essay Example Corporate Takeover Essay Corporate Takeover Essay Aurielle Cummings Business Policy November 10, 2010 Anatomy of a Corporate Takeover What did you think of this video? I think this video is a very informative series addressing ethical situations and dilemmas. As a business major it is very important to understand the challenging issues you will be faced with as you embark on the career path into corporate America. The video examines ethical conflicts and gives students a background the tradition of ethics. When there is always so much being said and written about the decline of ethical behavior in our country, a series like this was a appropriate effort to alleviate confusion over what we have a right to do and what is the right thing to do. What questions are being addressed? Some of the questions being addressed are whose best economic interests are most important? Does the government have a role to play in this game of high finance? Also, with large amounts of money changing hands, what ethical concerns surround this issue? While consumers and producers in the world make most decisions that mold the economy, government activities have a powerful effect on the U. S economy. The federal government controls the general pace of monetary activity, attempting to preserve steady growth, high levels of employment, and price stability. By changing spending and tax rates or running the money supply and maintaining the use of credit, it can slow down or speed up the economys rate of growth. As a result, it affects the level of prices and employment. With the rising focus on globalization of the financial system, ethical issues are often submerged by the objective of increasing success. Ethics covers an extensive area in terms of business. Moral principles that one follows should please the customer, the employee, and the employer. There are values that should be satisfied within the organization as well. I believe most ethical issues begin the management stage of the organization. In today’s environment, managers can have a great deal of effect on an employee’s ability to move up in a company. As a worker of a company, management teams also have managers to get reports. It is important for managers to not only have lack of prejudice for their employees, but to achieve somewhat in business, they require to be competent to handle be capable to supervise all of their work associations. In the midst of making money in a business any organization should have an effective leader. Why is this video important now after 30 years? In business all ethics are determined and displayed by the leadership. The leaders of an organization or company must be determined to follow, a personal and business code of ethics. As a whole I believe we learn from examples, not by from what people tell us to do. The importance of ethics in business is that it sets the tone for a business’s success or failure. Ethical conduct is a very private matter, which requires that a person be honest and truthful in all business dealings. Since ethical behavior is so personal, it is unlikely to be given any acknowledgment. While there are many awards for corporate social responsibility, awards that recognize ethical behavior are rare. A well-communicated dedication to ethics sends a influential message that moral behavior is measured to be business essential. Companies, led by top management, are increasingly adopting ethical codes of conduct. As ethical performance comes to the forefront, more and more companies will be taking steps to make certain that the ethics of their corporation and its employees are unquestionable. What are your views on stakeholder vs shareholder rights? Explain. A stakeholder is a person who has or shares an interest in a business project. There are primary, key, and secondary stakeholders who can be positively or negatively impacted by, or cause an impact on the dealings of a company, government or organization. The goal of a stakeholder and the project team is to assure successful outcomes for the project. Stakeholder analysis needs to be performed at the start of new projects, and it is important to identify all stakeholders. A shareholder on the other hand is any person, company, or institution that owns at least one share in a company. Stakeholders and shareholders have different value perspectives as discussed in the video. The shareholder value perspective emphasizes profitability over responsibility. Also, shareholder value believes success can be measured by things such as share price, dividends, and economic profit. Social responsibility is also not a matter, and claims that society is best served by organizations pursuing self-interest and economic competence. The stakeholder value perspective emphasizes the exact opposite which is responsibility over profitability. Stakeholder values suggest that an organizations success should be measure by the satisfaction among all stakeholders. With stakeholder rights social responsibility is an organizational matter and claims that society is best served by pursuing joint interests and economic symbiosis. I agree with the stakeholder values because this economy shouldn’t be based on just one person’s view over things. Social responsibility is a huge part of our economy as whole, and if responsibility was taken for some of the actions taken in previous years, a lot of the same mistakes wouldn’t have been made twice. In business practices we have a ethical responsibility to act in good faith, and in most cases where a large amount of money is changing hands there are large ethical concerns as stated in the video. I believe all money isn’t good money, and to be a successful business you do want to be profitable, but not by gaining it in an unethical sense, or by ignoring the responsibilities you are given as an owner.

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